
Data Breach Insurance: What it is and Why You Need It

Data break insurance is critical considering that data breaches cost over $4 million on average and that small and medium businesses are becoming increasingly frequent targets of cyberattacks.

“Investing in data breach insurance is a vital step for any business looking to protect itself from the financial and reputational damage of cyber incidents. At Cantey Tech Consulting, we ensure that our clients are equipped with the best insurance solutions tailored to their specific needs,” says Willis Cantey, CEO of Cantey Tech Consulting.

Cyberattacks can compromise sensitive information, disrupt operations, and lead to significant financial losses. Data breach insurance is a critical component of a comprehensive risk management strategy, providing a safety net for businesses against the potentially devastating effects of cyber incidents. 

This blog will explore the importance of data breach insurance, what it covers, and why every business should consider it.

Understanding Data Breach Insurance

Data breach insurance, also known as cyber insurance, protects businesses from the financial consequences of data breaches and other cyber-related incidents. This type of insurance covers various costs associated with a data breach, helping businesses recover more quickly and effectively.

What Does Data Breach Insurance Cover?

Data breach insurance can provide a range of protections, including covering legal fees, notification costs, remediation, and more. However, it is important to note that all insurance policies are different and need to be specifically checked to understand their exact coverage and any potential limitations.

Legal Fees and Expenses

Data breaches often lead to legal actions, whether from regulatory bodies or affected customers. Data breach insurance covers legal fees, including the cost of defense and potential settlements or judgments.